Photographers at Duckpool Home of the Photography Workshop


Chris Hales

Chris Hales carries out practical experimentation in interactive moviemaking (with a strong visual emphasis) and is a research student in this subject at the Royal College of Art film/TV department and a senior lecturer at UWE Bristol. Interactive film installations have been shown in numerous galleries worldwide and The Twelve Loveliest Things I Know won the Artistic Excellence prize at the Artec95 Biennale exhibition in Nagoya. Interactive Cdroms have been chosen for many international film/new media festivals and the cdrom LAB002: Twelve was published by Research Publishing in 1996. Bliss was published by ARTEC">
Photographers at Duckpool Home of the Photography Workshop


Chris Hales

Chris Hales carries out practical experimentation in interactive moviemaking (with a strong visual emphasis) and is a research student in this subject at the Royal College of Art film/TV department and a senior lecturer at UWE Bristol. Interactive film installations have been shown in numerous galleries worldwide and The Twelve Loveliest Things I Know won the Artistic Excellence prize at the Artec95 Biennale exhibition in Nagoya. Interactive Cdroms have been chosen for many international film/new media festivals and the cdrom LAB002: Twelve was published by Research Publishing in 1996. Bliss was published by ARTEC, in 1999.

Lectures, seminars and conference papers have been presented in many countries: 14th Eurographics Conference, London 1996 (An overview of interactive film art), Oberhausen Kurzfilmtage Catalogue, Germany 1997 (Why make movies Interactive?), ISEA 97 Chicago 1997 (Do we always need narrative if we have content?) and Technologies of the Moving Image, Stockholm, Dec. 98 (The Interactive Filmmakers Challenge).

He has taught workshops and given seminars extensively: Interactive Media, Dramatiska Institutet, Stockholm, 1997, 1998. Space Invaders multimedia school/ Danish Film School (Animation), Copenhagen, 1997, 1998. VITAL School of Design, TelAviv, Israel, 1999. University of Art & Design Helsinki, Film/TV Department, 1998, 1999. SAGAs "Teaching Interactive Fiction", Munich, 1999. MMPro Workshops, Oslo, 1999.

About the workshop

Hands-on multimedia workshop creating interactive "movies" from still and video sources with an emphasis on visual metaphors for interaction. We will be using state of the art equipment generously funded with the help of DA2.

This practical workshop explores different aspects of creating interactive movies with an emphasis on visual metaphors for interaction, as well as actual desktop production techniques.

The course is a mixture of hands-on, and more formal lectures. The workshop explores ways in which interactive movies may be investigated and piloted on a low-budget, desktop system. Even within the short span of the course each student should be able to produce a modest piece of interactive digital video for presentation on the final day. Participants have the opportunity to produce their own video footage as a practical application of the techniques learned. Video cameras are provided. VCRs are also available in case participants wish to use previously shot footage.

Digital Arts Development Agency

This workshop is being developed in conjunction with DA2, participants will be expected to have a basic knowledge of computer imaging and animation and moving image software such as Macromedia Director and Adobe Premiere.

"The world is an illusion created by a conspiracy of our senses"

Roger Penrose





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