Photographers at Duckspool Home of the Photography Workshop                        

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Creative Development ACCOLADES

Here's a list of the nice things people have said over the years about Photographers at Duckspool workshops that have helped personal and creative development (nearly all!)

Click through to individual tutors pages">
Photographers at Duckspool Home of the Photography Workshop                        

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Creative Development ACCOLADES

Here's a list of the nice things people have said over the years about Photographers at Duckspool workshops that have helped personal and creative development (nearly all!)

Click through to individual tutors pages, via the diary and read in-depth reviews of previous workshops






Food & Atmosphere !!


Creative Development

Still Life

On the edge.....

ACCOLADES from the visitors book or

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I have been familiar with the value of a computer as a business tool, but to see it now as a creative tool is very exciting. Thanks for opening yet another door! - MH East Anglia

The workshop (electronic photography) the first I’ve been on, to be able to focus completely on the one subject, in the company of a like-minded group without the day to day interruptions and pressures of running a business, was for me a very enjoyable experience.
Directly as a result of this workshop I have decided to take more time in producing images for my own satisfaction in addition to the commercial work, so wish me luck as I have never considered myself in an artistic manner. - Brian Hardy Berkshire Photographer

The workshop with Charles Harbutt was challenging and exceptionally illuminating. Technique was discussed, but as a means of evolving a more individual approach than an end in itself.
People with autistic spectrum disorders tend to see the world in a very literal way, and have great difficulty in grasping the idea of a metaphor. As a result of this workshop, I have been able to make significant steps towards a less literal approach to photography, which will help me extend my practice into new areas.  - Jake W Dorset - who was sponsored by the National Autism Charity and Southern Arts, expects to exhibit fine prints of Dartmoor in the near future.

You really should treat yourself to "the Duckspool Experience". It was BRILLIANT. I came away with a renewed enthusiasm for those projects that I had left untouched for far too long. Whatever your own photographic interest, I’m pretty sure you will find a workshop that is related to it. P.S. Don’t forget to tell them that ARTHUR sent you!! - Arthur Krick, Proprietor Hove Camera Company and the Gallery Below, Hove, Sussex. Extract from his review of the David Hurn Magnum workshop at Duckspool, pubd in Broadsheet.

Photographers at Duckspool, the thinking photographers spiritual home.  - Piers Rawson: photographer and critic

I am still awestruck. The five days I spent at Duckspool has probably been the most important event for me in the last seven years and I feel I can finally move on to develop something new. - Julie Coimbra on the John Blakemore Workshop 1998

Everything was brilliant - atmosphere, hospitality, food (gorgeous), the countryside, your home a special place, and everything we did on the course. It was honestly one of the best weeks of my life. - ML London

I now feel full of desire to go out and make new photographs knowing that I shall view the world in a different way: all as a result of Paul’s refreshing and enthusiastic approach. I had felt for some while that I had had a go at most things in photography, but was lacking direction and ideas. Paul guided me back. It was a privilege to have worked with him. He is a great photographer, and a born teacher. - KH Devon Paul Hill Workshop 1997

Craft and technique are covered by the expert tutors but the important aspect is living and working with fellow and leading photographers all interested in maximising their understanding and therefore their ability within the sphere of photography that interests them... there is probably no finer place to be exposed to the meanderings of some of the finest exponents of photography, but one can expect to see pointers towards finding your own ‘style’, that elusive gem that so many of us seek, and which ironically exists within ourselves, germinated perhaps - but not sold directly - at Duckspool.  - Jem Kime, editor Leica News, on a John Blakemore workshop

I just want to let you know how important these workshops are to me ( and I’m sure others feel the same). As for myself, they’ve been the main catalyst for propelling my work forward in new directions and keep me going for the following year. You and Sue are providing a fantastic service! - Suzanne Greenslade, Professional Photographer and Exhibitor, Cardiff

You may not fully realise the effect of your even-handed hospitality? You may already be tired of compliments about the food, the company, the courses? So to give you back some of that pleasure I enclose some photos of the weekend. - RJ Gloucs

I felt the beginning of another cycle, one characterized by a much greater degree of confidence in my work than I have had up to now, … to understand and see photography in a completely different way. …’ we attend workshops to be challenged, not to be coddled, and I have not been disappointed. - Larry Miller, Canada Fay Godwin Workshop 1995

I am so glad to have found your oasis of photographic expertise, good food, Peter’s passion, Sue’s quiet influences in all areas. - JS Somerset

The wondrous Duckspool ambience works its magic to everyone’s advantage- EL

As Peter warns in his brochure, " … do not expect to be spoonfed. Bring your cameras and all your faculties". To which I would add, and, if you’re serious about photography be careful, it may change your life! ...received encouragement and support enabling me to obtain my ARPS. - Irene Samuel, London Peter Goldfield and other workshops 1994

It is fair to say that more questions were raised than answered which is surely indicative of the quality of the weekend. I feel very deeply about my photography, it is more than just a "hobby" - I hate that word. It is important to me that photographers of your calibre should view my work dispassionately but with great insight. You were quite right ….I should now attempt to find my own voice …. Some dormant talent may emerge! - BB, Newcastle upon Tyne Peter Goldfield Workshop 1994

Just like being sellotaped to the mast and forcibly slapped with the haddock of revelation! I feel I am setting out anew on the path of life with a fresh meat pie in me pocket. - Matt Brooker, Sheffield on Leonard Freed, Magnum workshop 1996!

Totally glorious, inspiring course and environment. I am a different woman. Thank you for it all. - Charlotte Macpherson, Brighton. Leonard Freed Workshop 1996

A completely different weekend and equally valuable. It is such a great place to explore photography. -Charlotte Macpherson, Brighton Mari Mahr workshop 1996

Another wonderful chance at self-discovery away from the daily routines and demands. - Suzanne Greenslade, Cardiff on Susan Derges workshop 1997

Left on Monday on a complete high. What a workshop! What an amazing gentleman John is! What a brilliant idea Duckspool is, will I ever look at a print in the same way. Many thank you’s. - SA on John Blakemore Workshop 1991

I found your workshop to be ideal, the informality; the giving of knowledge; the atmosphere; sharing of work; and general attitude of all involved was ideal. . . . people made me feel very welcome. - Craig Barber, New York 1990

… lovely setting and fantastic food. But most of all for the enthusiasm it has fired in me - it was just what I needed. - John McG, Edinburgh 1991


I learnt more in the two days there than in the previous month poring over books and periodicals. If all your tutors are of the calibre of Paul Caponigro then you have got something really valuable to offer. - Chris Rodriquez during making of Ch 4 film Landscape Photography 1987

It was so nice to see your "HQ" and get a sense of the splendid atmosphere you are establishing there. - Mark Howarth-Booth, Victoria and Albert Museum, London 

I cannot praise too highly! - KR, Halifax 1997

Congratulations on your achievements in setting up Duckspool.- Ray, Bristol 1987

Also an indication of the esteem in which Duckspool is held is expressed by many people when they receive each year’s prospectus. Even if they do not attend they feel part of Duckspool

Although I will not be able to take advantage of the Duckspool experience this year - it’s still a dream. I want to especially thank you for the course Poetry and Photography - the whole weekend was wonderful for me  - Harriet Lefkowith, New York. (Peter Goldfield I.C.P. New York Workshop)



Have you visited the Diary? Would you like us to send you some information by post or make a booking?                     
Do you have any comments or suggestions about Duckspool? If so, we'd love to hear from you!

Photographers at Duckspool - Broomfield - Bridgwater - Somerset - TA5 2EG - UK 
Voice +44 (0) 1823 451305   Fax: +44 (0) 1823
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